Fine Art/Photography
Patrons can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the Fine Art Department in the Cantey Building as they view the works of some of the state’s best amateur and professional artists. Featured categories include ceramics, pottery, aqua painting, oil painting, drawing, mixed media, prints, photography, digital art, open media and sculpture.
On Exhibit Dates: Oct. 9 – 20
Location: Cantey Building
Guests interested in purchasing artwork may complete a Public Interest Sheet, which will be in the Cantey Building. The Public Interest Sheet will be given to the artist at the time of pick up after the fair.
It is up to the artist to contact the person interested to make the sale. Artwork listed as Not for Sale is exempt from public sales. The S.C. State Fair does not negotiate purchases for artwork and is not responsible or liable for any personal transactions.

Student Art
The works of some of the state’s most talented young artists will be on display in the Cantey Building.
Young protégés will enjoy taking in the handiwork of their peers in 2-D, 3-D and photography divisions. This year’s student art will feature Art of the Camellia, which blends art and horticulture to offer an added educational benefit for students in grades K-12.
On Exhibit Dates: Oct. 9-20
Location: Cantey Building

Home & Craft
Home arts, such as baking, cake decorating, canning, hobby crafts, quilting and sewing are among the many divisions found in the Moore Building each year as youth and adult exhibitors compete for a coveted blue ribbon.
Special displays, such as vintage bridal fashions or an antique kitchen, are also featured each year during the fair.
On Exhibit Dates: Oct. 9 – 20
Location: Moore Building

Ernest Lee Artwork
Street artist and Columbia legend Ernest Lee will be selling his popular chicken paintings as well as other pieces at this year’s S.C. State Fair. While Lee is widely known for his chicken paintings, his works also include ocean scenes, nature scenes, fish, pets, palmetto trees, portraits – and just whatever comes out of his head.
Appearing daily in the smallstock building